Admissions and Enrollment Policies
Admissions Priorities
1. Employee/Board – Charlotte Lab School will give admissions preference to children of current full-time employees, and current and past Board members. The number of admitted employee/Board member students will not exceed 15% of the total Lab student population. If the number of applicants in these groups exceeds the available seats, a preference lottery will be held to determine which students are admitted and the order of the waitlist.
2. Siblings – Charlotte Lab School desires to create a school community where whole families learn together. Siblings of currently enrolled Lab students will receive priority for admission if their applications are received by the designated deadline and Lab has seats available. If the number of sibling applications exceeds the number of available seats, a Lab sibling preference lottery will be held to determine which students are admitted and the order of the waitlist. Under NC law, a sibling includes any of the following who reside in the same household: half siblings, step siblings, and children residing in a family foster home.
3. Previously Enrolled Students - Lab gives enrollment priority to any student who was enrolled within the two previous school years but left Lab (i) to participate in an academic study abroad program or a competitive admission residential program or (ii) because of the vocational opportunities of the student’s parent or legal guardian that involved moving out of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg metro area. Any lack of clarity as to this eligibility will be determined at the discretion of the Executive Director. Any student who wishes to return to the school after more than two school years have passed since their departure is no longer eligible for this priority status in the lottery process. A Lab staff member will manually enter this preference for qualified applicants.
4. Economic Diversity – Charlotte Lab School is committed to being an economically diverse community, and will allot a percentage of the total number of seats available at Lab for students who qualify for the National School Lunch Program based on their family's current income levels. Charlotte Lab School has reached the socioeconomic diversity goal and this preference will not be offered for the 2025-26 school year.
Please click here for Charlotte Lab School Admissions and Enrollment Policy.
You may direct specific questions about student enrollment and admissions by calling 704-464-3830 or emailing admissions@
Once enrolled at Lab, you must complete the NC Health Assessment Form.