Student Support
Personalization is a key component of the Lab mission and model. We personalize learning to ensure that all students are receiving the type of support that they need to be successful.
Lab is dedicated to providing quality instruction and clear methods of intervention to students who need additional support, both inside and outside of the classroom. To ensure this, Lab has adopted a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) model to support students in general education, inclusion, and pull-out settings.
Staff members who have concerns about a student will share their concerns with their grade level team and subsequently with the appropriate campus-based support team: Academic Support Team (academic concerns) or Student Support Team (social, emotional and/or behavioral concerns). The Support Team will discuss the concerns and determine whether the student needs to receive intervention based upon the MTSS tiers. If needed, the team will decide upon the appropriate research-based intervention, coordinate the schedule for the intervention (who will administer it, during which block, how often, and for many weeks), and notify the student's family of the support being provided.
It is the goal of Charlotte Lab School to provide the least restrictive environment for students in the educational setting; therefore, the team will consistently meet and progress-monitor to ensure that all students are receiving the appropriate level of support. Students will only remain in the MTSS process as deemed necessary by the appropriate Support Team; if continued, rigorous interventions are not sufficient, the team may refer the student for an Exceptional Children's (EC) evaluation.
Just as it is important to provide students with additional support in their growth areas, Lab wants to provide students with opportunities for academic enrichment if they show interest and aptitude in a particular area. While we do not have a separate Talent Development class or program, we do, however, ensure that teachers in all content areas offer enrichment activities as part of their curriculum to allow students to take their learning to the next level. These activities may include but are not limited to: projects where students can apply their learning to real-world situations, extension lessons where the next level skill or content is taught, classes during our Learning Lab block that are geared toward interdisciplinary work.
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act authorizes the federal Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) Program and is the primary piece of federal legislation related to the education of children and youth experiencing homelessness. To learn more about McKinney-Vento assistance at Lab, please contact [email protected]